You can call or message your customer directly. It’s easy to do, just open the job on your App.
Calling your customers
To call your customer:
- Open your Schedule and head to the job you need help with
- Press Help at the bottom of your screen
- Tap Call Customer
- Select a reason and click Call customer
You can call your customers on the day of their clean – from either 09:00 or one hour before the clean (whichever is earlier), right up until the evening of the clean.
Chatting to your customers
You can chat to your regular customers any time through your Housekeep app. If you’ve got a new or one-off customer, you can chat with them from the day before the clean until the end of the day that the clean takes place.
Here's how to chat with your customers:
- Open your Schedule and head to the job you need help with
- Tap the speech bubble in the top right of the page
You should not use chat to cancel a job. If you need to cancel a job, book the time off in your App and the customer will be notified. Find out more here: How do I book time off?
If you agree to reschedule a clean with your customer, please contact Housekeep Support to ensure it's updated on your app. Find out more here: How can I contact Housekeep Support?
Receiving phone calls from your customers
Your customers are now able to call you via a disguised number on the day of a clean - in exactly the same way that you can call them.
Calls from your customer will come from a disguised number and will begin with "0118". If you notice a call from your customer, it’s really important that you answer the call, as they may be trying to pass on an urgent message to you. If you miss the call that’s no problem - just call the number back and you’ll be connected to your customer.
Your customers may be calling you to pass on cleaning instructions or to check on your arrival time. If your customer calls you to cancel the clean, or you agree to reschedule a clean with your customer, please contact Housekeep Support to ensure it's updated on your app. Find out more here: How can I contact Housekeep Support?