If a customer gives you a set of keys it's important that you tag them as soon as possible.
All spare keys you hold should:
- Be tagged with a unique code that Housekeep has provided
- Not contain any identifiable information (like the customer's address or name)
- Be shown in the Customers & keys page of your app
How to tag keys
After you've been given keys you should receive an email from the team here with the key tag number on:
Unlink the key ring on the key tag and write the number on the paper.
If you've run out of key tags just stop by the office to collect some more.
Once that's done, just attach it to the keys with the key ring and send over a picture like this:
Please note:
You must make sure there's nothing on the keys that will identify them. If there's anything that lets you know where the keys are for please remove and leave with the customer.